Vertical Gardens.


Nutrients for Hydroponics.

There are several benefits to the ebb and flow style of hydroponic gardening. One is that because of the movement of the solution around the plant roots via the action of the pump, you will not need an air pump but will still achieve appropriate oxygenation of the plant roots. The ebb and flow gardening method also uses less power than other hydroponic styles, and it is a quiet system, making it perfect for use in a home or office.
Hydroponic nutrients are formulated to assist in the fast growth of hydroponic plants.

The quantity of nutrients available to the plants is affected by:
• substrate quality
• water quality
• plant type

A plant that grows in full light with abundant moisture and receives all the 13 nutrients will grow fast and have a dark green color in its leaves. A plant that grows slowly in the shade may also have dark green leaves, but when exposed gradually to the sun, the leaves may turn yellow. This does not mean that plants don’t like full sun — it might indicate a nutrient deficiency, which didn’t show up in the shade because the plant didn’t have enough light to stimulate fast growth.

For our vertical garden we will use worm tea. Earthworms put out a by-product called castings, worm tea is obtained as water runs off or drips through the castings in the worm beds thus picking up the nutrients of the castings. Worm tea is infinetely richer in nitrogen, phosphate, calcium, magnesium and potash then the upper 6 inches of top soil. Also worm tea will not kill insects, but repels them with a smell not detected by the human nose.
The use of organic products actually reduce the cost of gardening in the long run because the long-depleted soil is gradually restored naturally and plants grown in this soil begin to develop their own defenses against pests and diseases.
Plants really perk up with this product, almost over-night. Its like having a compost
pile in a bottle, much easier to use and its available year around. Worm tea is not only a great organic plant food it is also a natural repellent for aphids, spider mites, scale and white flies.